What You Should Know About Sod Versus Seed

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What You Should Know About Sod Versus Seed

We all aspire to have a beautiful lawn to enhance the appeal of our home as well as create a comfortable place for engaging in outdoor activities. The challenge comes when deciding whether to get your lawn via seeding or sodding. This boils down to factors such as how long you are willing to wait for the lawn to be usable, your budget, and many other factors.

In most cases, people prefer sodding to seeding. Nonetheless, sodding has both advantages and disadvantages.


  • Sodding gives you an instant lawn. Once you are done with the hard work of laying down the sod, you get a beautiful green lawn. This is unlike seeding which takes time before the grass seeds start sprouting.
  • With sod, you can comfortably walk over it once you are done planting. Your dogs or pets can also play on it without you worrying. This is unlike grass which needs time to grow without any interference.
  • Less care is needed with sodding. This is because sod is already mature turf that has been taken care off by a professional. Seeding on the other hand requires maximum care which you have to do yourself. Apart from that, sodding reduces dust and soil erosion and at the same time gives quality results.


  • The initial cost is high compared to that of seeding because you are actually paying someone the time and effort they have put into growing the grass.
  • You need to water the sod consistently for a while till it becomes well established.
  • You are somewhat restricted on the type of grass you can get based on where you live. The species you are likely to get will be restricted to the one best known to grow in your area.

For more information on establishing a beautiful lawn, contact us to schedule an appointment.


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