Latitude 36™ Bermudagrass
The newest addition to the high-end turf market
This versatile grass is perfect for athletic fields, home lawns, tees, fringes, fairways, and roughs. It stands out from other bermudagrass varieties with its ability to withstand low mowing heights, recover quickly from damage, and maintain a superior appearance.
Developed by the esteemed Oklahoma State University, Latitude 36 is not just a cold tolerant bermudagrass. It has been specifically bred for cold tolerance, making it one of the hardiest options available. With its resistance to spring dead spot and exceptional cold hardiness, Latitude 36 surpasses other bermudas on the market.
In addition to its durability, Latitude 36 offers high traffic tolerance and an attractive visual appeal. Its fine texture sets it apart from other popular varieties like Celebration, Tifway 419,
and NorthBridge. Whether it’s for sports fields, golf courses, or residential properties, Latitude 36 is the ideal choice for southern and transitional zone applications.
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Spring Care Guide
Pro Tips
Latitude 36 requires less Nitrogen than other bermudagrasses. In February test the soil liming based on soil results. Latitude 36 prefers a pH between 6 and 6.5.
Weeds, Diseanse, and Insets
Preventative measures can help reduce the number of pesticides used on your lawn.
Mowing and Cultural Maintenance
Latitude does best maintained at a mowing height between 0.75″ and 1.25″. In Spring, once your lawn begins to green up (late March) drop your mower one notch lower and give it a nice shave while either bagging or raking up the clippings. This will remove the dormant top and allow new growth to start pushing through.
Deeper, infrequent watering helps promote longer roots that can withstand longer periods of heat and drought. In early Spring, conduct an irrigation audit to ensure all heads are working properly and coverage is adequate.
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